Business Tips

Supply Chain Mapping Explained

Supply chain Supply chain management
10 Minute
Oliver Munro blog profile picture

by Oliver Munro

Posted 08/06/2024

Supply chain mapping provides a complete view of your supply network, revealing the intricate web of suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors involved in producing and delivering goods. This view helps you to identify and manage risks, improve efficiency, and ensure compliance with various regulations.

This guide covers some of the latest strategies and supply chain mapping tools for effective supply chain management, helping you to achieve significant operational improvements.

What is supply chain mapping?

Supply chain mapping is a strategic process that involves envisioning and documenting the flow of materials, information, and finances as they move through your supply chain. It focuses on identifying all the key players involved – from suppliers and manufacturers to distributors and retailers – and understanding the interconnections between them.

Understanding the supply chain mapping process

Understanding your supply chain in detail, allows you to manage potential disruptions, adhere to sustainability practices, and maintain ethical standards.

The supply chain mapping process helps you by:

  • Streamlining operational processes to eliminate bottlenecks, improve throughput, and reduce delays.
  • Identifying slow and costly steps for targeted improvements, potentially reducing lead times and operational costs.
  • Preparing for risks with contingency plans to mitigate the impact of unforeseen events, ensuring business continuity.
  • Understanding the financial impact of each supply chain link on cash flow to inform strategic decision-making.
  • Providing transparency and insight into the complex network of activities that produce and deliver products to the market.

Supply chain mapping tools can improve risk mitigation, increase cost savings, and give your business a competitive edge – all essential in today's dynamic business environment.

supply chain mapping Supply chain mapping creates a detailed picture of all the processes that go into producing and selling products.

Why is supply chain mapping important?

By creating a detailed map of your supply network, you can make more informed decisions, improve communication among stakeholders, and ensure a smoother flow of goods to customers.

Supply chain mapping is also important because it:

  • Provides a comprehensive outline of your supply chain.
  • Highlights opportunities to negotiate better deals with suppliers.
  • Identifies bottlenecks where targeted improvements can be implemented.
  • Helps in maintaining a stable workflow.
  • Allows you to identify potential risks and optimise your processes.
  • Ensures resilience against supply chain disruptions.

Benefits of supply chain mapping

In today's consumer-driven market, transparency and ethical sourcing are increasingly important, and supply chain mapping can demonstrate a company's commitment to these values. Let’s look at the main benefits of supply chain mapping for modern businesses.

1. Enhanced supply chain visibility

Mapping provides better visibility across the entire supply chain, allowing you to identify where value is added or lost. This visibility is crucial for mitigating risks, such as your reliance on a single supplier or inefficiencies in transportation and warehousing operations. By identifying these risks, you can take steps to diversify your supply network and enhance resilience.

2. Operational efficiency and cost reduction

Supply chain mapping helps businesses streamline processes, reduce waste, and improve communication and coordination between entities. This can lead to substantial cost savings and improvements in operational sustainability.

For example, a company might use supply chain mapping to discover that a particular material can be sourced closer to the manufacturing site, resulting in reduced transportation costs and lead times.

3. Improved regulatory and legislative compliance

Supply chain mapping ensures that industry standards are met consistently. It supports value management by identifying quality issues or delays that could be costly, and it facilitates responsible sourcing, which aligns with commitments to ethical, sustainable, and socially conscious practices.

4. Competitive advantage

Supply chain mapping allows companies to resolve issues before they impact production and delivery. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, companies with detailed supply chain maps could quickly adapt to disruptions and maintain their operations more effectively than those without such insights.

5. Greater customer satisfaction

Ensuring product availability and timely delivery results in improved customer satisfaction. Supply chain mapping can also lead to more efficient workflows and reduced costs by streamlining processes and speeding up operations. This leads to fast order fulfilment and dispatch.

supply chain map Supply chain mapping offers increased visibility that can help improve efficiency and reduce operational costs.

How to create a supply chain map

Creating a supply chain map involves visualising and documenting the flow of materials, information, and finances within your network. Here are the steps.

1. Identify all stakeholders in your supply chain

This refers to all suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and customers. It involves mapping out each layer of the supply process, from the initial suppliers who provide raw materials to the end customers who purchase the final product.

Understanding the relationships between these entities is crucial and a fundamental step in managing and optimising the flow of goods and services through your supply chain.

A comprehensive knowledge of all the stakeholders allows for better communication, improved efficiency, and enhanced collaboration among all parties. It helps you anticipate and mitigate risks, ensuring each stakeholder can respond effectively to demand changes or supply disruptions.

Ultimately, a well-defined stakeholder map supports a resilient and responsive supply chain, crucial for maintaining a competitive advantage in today's dynamic market.

2. Map your costs and time estimations

Establish the costs and timings associated with each step in your supply chain, from procurement to delivery. Doing so at each step will have you better placed to maintain an efficient, consistent, and competitive supply chain.

Adopting this broad approach means calculating the total cost of ownership – which includes direct costs like raw materials and labour – and indirect costs such as transportation and warehousing. It's important to consider associated costs, including quality assurance and regulatory compliance.

Timings should be meticulously planned to align with production schedules and market demands, thereby ensuring that each part of the supply chain is optimised for fast and cost-effective delivery.

3. Determine risks and implement risk management strategies

Effective supply chain mapping involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks to ensure business continuity.

Common strategies include:

  • Diversifying your supplier base to avoid over-reliance on a single source
  • Implementing robust cybersecurity measures
  • Reviewing risk management plans to adapt to new threats.

Regular reviews and updating of the risk management plan are also essential to adapt to the ever-changing market conditions and potential disruptions. By implementing these strategies, you can create resilient supply chains capable of withstanding various challenges, while maintaining uninterrupted operations.

4. Performance monitoring

Track and monitor data to evaluate the performance of your supply chain. This process can help identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement, ensuring operational efficiency and cost reduction.

By consistently analysing performance metrics, you can pinpoint areas for improvement such as bottlenecks, inventory discrepancies, or supplier-related issues. This approach helps to streamline your operations and contributes to cost savings by eliminating wasteful practices.

Data-driven insights can lead to better forecasting and improved customer satisfaction. Integrating robust tracking systems and regular performance reviews is essential to ensure your supply chain remains resilient and responsive.

Supply chain mapping example

Supply chain mapping is a dynamic tool that supports strategic decision-making, risk management, operational efficiency, and continuous improvement.

As an example, consider this detailed supply chain map of a clothing manufacturer:

  • The map starts with raw material suppliers, such as cotton farms and synthetic fibre producers, followed by textile mills where these raw materials are spun into fabrics.
  • Next, the map would show the allied industries that dye and finish the fabrics followed by garment manufacturers that cut and sew the fabric into clothing and apparel.
  • Then the map traces the distribution path through warehouses and logistics companies that handle transportation to various retailers.

Each step would be accompanied by information flows, like order processing, inventory management, and financial flows such as payments and credit terms. Creating this detailed visualisation helps you identify inefficiencies, risks, and opportunities.

The map can reveal dependencies, such as reliance on a single supplier for a critical component, allowing the company to develop contingency plans to enhance resilience. So, if a natural disaster disrupted the cotton supply, the map would help the clothing manufacturer quickly identify alternative suppliers or materials to minimise production delays.

This map also helps reduce costs by pinpointing areas where expenses can be trimmed without compromising quality or delivery times. might highlight that consolidating shipments can reduce transportation costs, or that a change in packaging can save on materials and shipping expenses.

Supply chain mapping software will help you map your supply chain from end to end, and the software typically integrates with existing systems to ensure consistent data flow and enhanced operational efficiency.

supply chain mapping tips Optimising your operations with supply chain mapping is a powerful business strategy that requires accurate inventory and purchasing records.

Tips for improving your supply chain mapping process

Before we go, let’s reel off a few handy tips for improving your supply chain mapping process:

  • Start with comprehensive data collection. Compile data from internal sources like inventory management systems, production schedules, and purchase records. Engage with external parties such as manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and logistics companies to ensure all relevant information is included.
  • Identify all supply chain entities. Document every participant in your supply chain, including suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and customers. Create a detailed map of every link in the chain, to gain valuable insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain.
  • Visualise the supply chain flow. Create a visual map that outlines the movement of materials, information, and finances through the supply chain. This helps document the flow of goods and services and can improve transparency and accountability.
  • Identify potential risks at all tiers. Risks can range from bottlenecks and inefficiencies, supplier bankruptcies, natural disasters, and political unrest to ethical concerns like labour practices. It's important to evaluate direct suppliers and the secondary and tertiary levels, as disruptions can ripple throughout the supply chain.
  • Ensure real-time tracking. Leverage technology for real-time tracking of inventory and shipments. It allows for precise monitoring and management of assets, using GPS technology and devices to provide up-to-the-minute information. This reduces the risk of loss and identifies delays, enabling you to respond swiftly to disruptions and deliver on customer satisfaction.
  • Leverage technology for forecasting. Implement demand forecasting tools to accurately predict future demand based on historical sales data, consumer demand, and market trends. These tools can provide valuable insights into future demand patterns by analysing historical sales data, consumer behaviour, and market trends.
  • Create visibility and transparency. Share your supply chain map with stakeholders to create transparency. It allows for a clear view of the production process, inventory levels, and logistics throughout the supply channels, enabling stakeholders to address issues proactively. This can build trust and facilitate better collaboration leading to improved efficiency and a more resilient supply chain.
  • Motivate suppliers for support. Communicate the benefits of supply chain mapping to your suppliers so they can understand the value of sharing their data. Gaining supplier support is crucial to ensuring a seamless and integrated approach to managing the supply chain, benefiting all parties involved.
  • Work collaboratively. Engage in collaborative efforts with all stakeholders to optimise the supply chain. This strategy aligns shared goals and fosters an environment of open communication, which is essential for identifying and addressing inefficiencies. By working together, stakeholders can leverage their collective expertise to innovate and implement more effective solutions, to create streamlined and resilient supply chains.
  • Regularly update your map. The supply chain is dynamic, so regularly update your map to reflect supplier changes, new processes, or shifts in market conditions. This ensures that the map remains an accurate and useful tool.

Following these tips and using examples from successful supply chain mapping initiatives, you can significantly improve the efficiency and resilience of your supply chain. A well-mapped supply chain is a strong foundation for a resilient and responsive business strategy.

Lift supply chain visibility with cloud software

To attain the clarity you need to create accurate supply chain maps, you must first have an accurate picture of all your purchasing, inventory, and sales. For this, you need robust cloud-based software.

Unleashed is an automated inventory software solution that gives you:

  • Complete stock-on-hand visibility
  • Streamlined purchasing processes
  • Optimised cash flow and forecasting
  • Accurate production planning
  • Multichannel sales enablement

If you're ready to lift efficiency and reduce your operational costs with cloud-based inventory management software, try Unleashed free for 14 days today.

Oliver Munro blog profile picture

By Oliver Munro

Article by Oliver Munro in collaboration with our team of specialists. Oliver's background is in inventory management and content marketing. He's visited over 50 countries, lived aboard a circus ship, and once completed a Sudoku in under 3 minutes (allegedly).